Selections from “Identity”

This series explores the voids in my own personal history through paintings of family photographs. The catch-22 of narrative imagery leaves the viewer seeking additional information and becomes synonymous with unfinished conversations we would like to have with family members who are no longer with us. Many of these images deal with the loss of my mother, who, after a six-year battle with cancer, died when I was fourteen. The paintings preserve memory and delve into gaps in my story, offering the viewer images of a “perfect family” while suggesting a shadow of a family tragedy still to come. I hope the viewer is able to recognize their own stories in the paintings.

- Camille Warmington

Untitled, 2014

Untitled, 2014

Between Two, 2015 acrylic on panel, 24 x 24 inches

Between Two, 2015 acrylic on panel, 24 x 24 inches

Who Am I Called to Be, 2015 acrylic on panel, 12 x 12 inches

Who Am I Called to Be, 2015 acrylic on panel, 12 x 12 inches

Eclipsed, 2016 acrylic on board, 12 x 12 inches

Eclipsed, 2016 acrylic on board, 12 x 12 inches

untitled, 2015

untitled, 2015



Born in Concord, Massachusetts and raised in Texas, Camille Warmington earned a Bachelor of Interior Architecture from Kansas State University in 1984. She worked for architecture firms in New York City and Dallas and, in 1989, moved with her family to Houston, Texas.  She studied painting at the MFAH’s Glassell School and her work has been included in numerous juried exhibition throughout Texas as well as featured in Studio Visit Magazine and New American Paintings. Warmington had her first solo exhibition at the Lawndale Art Center in Houston in 2015 and was a 2016 Hunting Prize finalist. More online here.