Emily as a Tré Burt Song

I drew a portrait of Emily
in water I was not holding.
It seemed like enough for her. 

It was not enough for her.
I carved her likeness in the ice
of a landmass that was headed 

south. That made her cry.
I made soup for her when she
was not hungry. From the couch,

she said it smelled delicious,
but she never ate any of it. I am
nothing in the context of time,

& Emily is nothing in the con-
text of time. I’ve never cared
about time. It’s not Emily.




Darren C. Demaree is the author of fourteen poetry collections, most recently Unfinished Murder Ballads (October 2020, Backlash Press). He is the recipient of a 2018 Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Award, the Louis Bogan Award from Trio House Press, and the Nancy Dew Taylor Award from Emrys Journal. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Best of the Net Anthology and Managing Editor of Ovenbird Poetry. He is currently living in Columbus, Ohio with his wife and children.